Senior Ethan Quehl began posting regularly on his TikTok account, @ethanquehl, in 2023. Amassing over 13.9K followers, his account consists of day-in-the-life content. Currently, Quehl has posted around 623 day-in-the-life posts along with additional videos about general life advice, racking up 479.1K likes across his TikToks.
Q: What is your account name on TikTok?
A: “@ethanquehl”
Q: What is the primary type of content you post on TikTok?
A: “I post daily life videos. I’ll post slideshows. So I take a picture of what I do all day — like 30 pictures [total] — and I just post those to TikTok. People just like to see what I do.”
Q: What made you want to start posting on TikTok?
A: “In 2023, I started posting and I’ve taken a few breaks since then. It was just an idea that came [to me] and I was like, ‘It seems cool to do that.’ Also, I wanted to make money.”
Q: What have been some highlights since starting your TikTok account?
A: “I do have a video that has like 1.5M views and 150k likes. I don’t want to be the guy who only cares about numbers, [but] it’s still pretty cool to have a video that’s that big.”
Q: Do you equate your TikTok account to a business?
A: “Not right now, maybe in the future if I grow a little bit bigger, but at the moment I’m still in high school, so maybe once I get into college and I have more time to focus on that stuff. I used to make money from TikTok, but since they changed the rules, you have to be 18.”
Q: Approximately how much time do you spend towards creating and editing TikToks?
A: “I’d say about like 15 to 30 minutes each day. It depends on if I post another video on top of my daily ones. So, like two to three hours a week.”
Q: Have you faced any hardships in your TikTok journey?
A: “Last year, I posted a questionable video and I guess that kind of shows how I’m still a teenager and maybe social media shouldn’t be for all kinds of teenagers because teenagers still aren’t fully developed. So, I’ve definitely learned a lot through my journey on TikTok, but I think that it’s been worthwhile to go through hardships cause I can learn from that and in the future become better in many things in life, especially on my TikTok and [overall] social media presence.”